Welcome to Lincoln Standing Bear High School! Home of the Grizzlies!

Welcome Parents, Guardians, and Students!

We are excited to welcome you all to Standing Bear High School! Our 2nd year will be as memorable as our first. It has been great to see all of the students at Standing Bear this summer, as they work and participate in camps, lift weights, and work with their directors of instrumental and vocal music. A high school doesn’t have downtime, just maybe a bit slower place in the summer.

A new school continues to develop its traditions, customs, and practices. We had a great start in year one – with student activities and athletics, the Bear Necessities (student broadcasting), and the naming of PAW (Performing Arts Wing). In our 2nd year, we will build off the momentum created in our first. This year we will welcome competition in varsity athletics, performances by our Show Choir (The Renegades), and students continuing to find their passion as we develop more clubs and after-school activities for students to participate in.

As the site is still a work in progress, there continues to be more work done on the land that we occupy. This summer we had interpretive signs put around the school grounds to showcase some of the natural wonders around us, showing how Standing Bear’s footprint on the earth is a responsible partner with the ground around us. Additionally, we will be putting the finishing touches on spaces that last year were still considered works in progress. When students come in August, they will see new signs in the Nebraska Business Focus classroom at Standing Bear, a new location for our maquette, and hopefully fruitful plantings from the Grizzly Gardners on the rooftop garden, which will be items they will use in our culinary classes.

For the 2024/2025 school year:

  1. The doors to the building will open at 7:00 a.m. and close at 4:00 p.m.
  2. Breakfast will be served starting at 7:25 a.m.
  3. We will have a new schedule and school will begin at 8:00 a.m. and end at 3:01 p.m.
  4. We have moved our Advisement period to after the second period and shortened it to 15 minutes. Advisement classes will meet daily.
  5. Students arriving before school starts will be asked to be in the cafeteria or library. 6. Students can stay after school until 4:00 p.m. with supervision in the library. 7. We have hired 14 new staff members and are excited for your students to get to know them and work with them.

“The Power of Place” continues to guide our work as we create a learning space where students find their voice and passion, discover new interests, and develop relationships with teachers, counselors, and other adults in the building along with students that will continue to make a mark on who they are and who they will continue to be.

I am sure there are more questions you may have, and I encourage you to reach out to our school or through “Let’s Talk” and we can make sure to answer them. Please check your email as the school year approaches, this will be our main method of communication to you.

If you haven’t already, please bookmark the Standing Bear Website (https://lsb.lps.org/) which will provide the most updated information.

We look forward to partnering with you on your student’s high school journey and can’t wait for the memories they will create.

Enjoy the rest of summer and I look forward to seeing you in August!

Go Grizzlies!
Sue Cassata